Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Currently...

March is here....March is here......


Here is my March Currently...linking up with Oh Boy, 4th Grade!

1. favorite TV show of ALL times!! This is one show I can watch over and over without getting tired of it!! This episode is the one where Rachel goes back to work and finds out that she has been "replaced." She decides to go back on that line....Rachel: Ive decides to go back to work today. Ross: oh sure, just lend me one of your breasts and ill be on my way!! Hilarious!!

2. The weekend....this week was pure chaos....state testing, fire drill, power outage, Read Across America Day, my voice disappeared, AND my final observation! Really?? When it rains, it pours in an elementary school. This weekend was nice to relax and not do anything work related!!

3. Summer.....I am trying so hard to get 8 or 9 kids that I can tutor this summer. I have 5 right now, but still need at least 3 to make it worth my time. I do have a possible backup, but it is not my first choice. I keep telling myself that if tutoring is meant to be, then it will work out. If not, then God did not intend for me to tutor!! Being patient and waiting on Gods plan is very difficult, but I know it's what I need to do!!

4. My Friday we were playing Minute to Win it, Dr. Seuss style. I was using my iPad to keep track of time. So I laid it down on my rocking chair, and enters STUDENT.....BUMP!!! CRASH!! There goes my iPad screen!! It still works, but the glass is shattered. $250 to trade for a new one....OUCH!!

5. 4 kids to tutor.....refer to #3. I am just trying to be patient.......

6. I had a hard time on this I like having animals around. I can't watch animal movies because I get attached to the character. My own 2 dogs are my babies and are treated as that!!

A clean house....nothing like a good clean house. Which, by the way....I know this one is a stretch...but I couldn't think of anything that starts with a that I love!!

Allergies....I am squeaky and horse, thanks to allergies. My nose is full of "stuff" that is just a bundle of joy!! I hate allergies....enough said!!!

There you go!!! If you want to do your own currently, click and save the picture below, open it in a photo editing program, and add text for your answers. Thanks for reading!! I hope you have a great week in your first week of March!

Birthday month!!!! Birthday month!!!!


  1. Friends is THE. BEST. SHOW. EVER! I have the whole collection on DVD and I still watch it all the time. I hate allergies as well!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  2. Hi Allison,
    When I brought up your brought back memories! :) This was the background on our blog until just a couple of weeks ago. The orange pattern is so cheery! I love it. I hope you can find a few more kids to tutor. Summer will be here before we know it!


  3. SO true...when it rains it pours! Sorry everything piled up on you at once.

    Rock Stars At Work
